‘A face to face ask is 34 times more effective than sending an email’.
Harvard Business Review 2017
If there is one thing that I have learned over the past 30 years of fundraising it is to always ask in person wherever possible. Indeed, not just for fundraising purposes but for anything you truly want in life.
Like everyone else, I use emails just about every day. It is efficient and quick but I would always advocate caution before we lose the ability of talking and listening to people in person. As well as being able to pick up tone and body language, it is often what someone is not saying that is as important as what they are saying and taking heed of that all-important ‘in between the lines’ narrative.
Whilst technology has had a hugely positive impact on our lives, we must not lose sight of the importance of the ‘personal touch’. Certainly, when making the actual ask for large donations it is critical that communication is face to face. It is only when you are seated next to or opposite someone that you can convey with clarity and conviction your own passion for the cause in question. Your potential donor will be inspired and confident and only then will they make that all important gift.
Link: https://hbr.org/2017/04/a-face-to-face-request-is-34-times-more-successful-than-an-email