AFC Annual Forum 2014

The Association of Fundraising Consultants held its 2014 annual forum on the 2nd of December at the seasonally decorated Liberal Club in London. We welcomed David Price CBE from the committee on standards in public life, for a presentation and discussion on the seven Nolan principles – Selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, honesty, openness and leadership.
David explained how the Committee arrived at these principles, their purpose and gave interesting insights into recent cases including the most publicly know MPs’ expenses and allowances report. He explained how the principles have been used and interpreted in these high profile situations. A range of questions were addressed from the floor relating to their application to fundraising and consultancy and David showed his experience with a clear interpretation of the principles when discussing evidence and impartiality.
There followed a group session with a range of scenarios and questions assigned to each group. The exercise generated some lively discussion and showed the range of ways that the standards could be used to effectively perform the role of an ethical fundraising consultant.
Gill Moody (Craigmyle Consultants and Chair of AFC) and former client Naomi Roper answered questions put to them by Marc Stowell, AFC Treasurer, in regards to the Client/Fundraising Consultant relationship. Gill acknowledged how hard it is to maintain professional distance when working with a client for many years. “The trouble is that you become very fond of them” she stated. Working towards achieving better ethical standards is something that Gill is passionate about and came across in her replies.
Attendees also enjoyed drinks and canapés and the chance to network with other industry professionals after the presentations.
“The presentation on standards in public life was a highlight along with the opportunity to network with other consultants” Forum Attendee
The next AFC forum will take place at the same venue on June 30th 2015. If you would like to know more about the AFC and their work then please have a read through the website
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