2020 will be a memorable year for many reasons but for Hampshire-based fundraising consultants and AFC member Stefan Lipa Consultancy, it marks a quarter-century of helping charities to raise money for both landmark and community projects.
Over that period, they have helped charity groups raise funds for projects including: conservation and development work in Norwich Cathedral and the Oxford Oratory; refurbishing Winchester Theatre Royal; building a new facility for Rose Road, a disability services and support group in Southampton; setting up a new agricultural research charity – Innovation for Agriculture, and funding for their projects; as well as enabling the National Youth Wind Ensemble to travel to the Far East on a concert tour. They calculate that Stefan Lipa Consultancy has helped raise around £100 million for good causes in that time.
Covid-19 has unfortunately forced the consultancy to cancel plans to mark their business silver jubilee but they remain upbeat. Managing Director, Stefan Lipa, has seen national, and global, economic crises come and go over the years, not least the 2008 credit crunch, but despite the severity of the current recession, Stefan is seeing some green shoots in the voluntary sector having taken on some new clients recently. “This shows real optimism for the future,” said Stefan. “Charities are looking for new income streams to get going again, but it’s about taking one step at a time and that’s where we can help them.”
The landscape for charities will continue to be challenging as many of them have relied on running events or renting out premises to raise funds, all of which has been suspended during lockdown. However, Stefan also believes that the charity sector is adapting.
“Charities are having to do things differently, said Stefan. “We can see that with the way they’ve moved effortlessly to things like Zoom, but they are also looking at new ways to fundraise and are already starting campaigns.”
This year has thrown up numerous challenges for the business and voluntary sector alike, as well as enterprises which straddle both. However, Stefan looks forward to a positive, if different, future continuing to help charities add to the fabric of the nation and to society. We wish Stefan and Anna a Happy 25th Business Anniversary!