Keynote speaker;
Gerald Oppenheim, Head of Policy for the new Fundraising Regulator
Fundraising is in the spotlight and charities are facing unprecedented challenges. The regulatory environment is changing at breakneck speed:
• A new Fundraising Regulator
• The Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act 2016
• Forthcoming EU data protection legislation
• Proposals for a Fundraising Preference Service
• On-going concerns of the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (PACAC)
These all demand greater knowledge and practical oversight of fundraising by trustees, particularly in relation to contracts for professional fundraising services. The forum will highlight;
• What consultants need to know
• How they can prepare themselves for the future environment
• How they can begin to advise their clients now
• How they can make their voices heard in the debate
Monday, 4th July 2016 from 15:15 to 18:15 (BST) followed by networking drinks and optional supper.
National Liberal Club
Whitehall Place
The forum is an ideal opportunity to network with other Fundraising professionals, consultants and industry representatives.
3.15 pm Arrival – tea and coffee
3.30 – 4.00 pm Overview of changes in the regulatory environment
4.00 – 4.30 pm Group discussion: Implications for fundraising consultancy and preparation of questions for the keynote speaker
4.30- 5.00 pm Keynote address; Fundraising regulation and the Fundraising Consultant.
5.00 – 6.00 pm Questions and discussion
6.00 – 6.15 pm Summary and conclusion
6.15 pm Networking drinks and canapés in the Smoking Room followed by (optional) supper (venue tbc).
For all enquiries email Karen Harkin – enquiries@afc.org.uk